Runnat 2011

Runnat 2011
Run for the nation - run, pray and believe

7 clocks

You are my all in all

My Lord is above all

Runnat 2010

Runnat 2010

You are a great God

You are a great God

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Thursday 9 April 2009

Glimmer of hope?

It's Good Friday today, 10 April and on this day, I want to believe that there is a glimmer of hope for this nation that I live in. From the events of the past few days, I want to believe that God is moving in this land to change the course of events and directions. Will just to now wait out and see the changes that are coming through and in the meantime, continue to undergird these with prayers.

Thank you Lord Jesus for your blood and flesh and for the sufferings that you took upon youself on that cross, all because of the redemptive purpose for mankind. Amen.

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