Runnat 2011

Runnat 2011
Run for the nation - run, pray and believe

7 clocks

You are my all in all

My Lord is above all

Runnat 2010

Runnat 2010

You are a great God

You are a great God

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Wednesday, 13 October 2010

The 34th miner

In the euphoria of the joy and jubiliations of pulling out the trapped miners one by one from the hole deep in the ground, where the attention is centred on the miners, their family members, the rescuers and of course, the president, very few would have realised and focused their attention to the presence of the 34th miner.

Thank you Lord, for your mighty presence in that hole. Truly Lord, you have shown to the whole wide world that you are indeed a living God and in you and you alone that all things are made possible. Halleluia.

Monday, 21 June 2010

This is it

This is it. 6.15am, Sunday 27th June at the starting line Padang Merdeka for the 21km run. I am excited. I hope to complete it, God willing.

Monday, 17 May 2010

The young writer's mind

My darling girl wrote and submitted this as an entry for the writer's circle few years ago.

Time, what is it? Well, having looked it up in countless dictionaries and numerous English books that I could lay my hands on, I realized that Time merely lives in our imagination.

Omnipotent, it passes by man, quietly, unnoticed, never ending. Time dwells in our minds, bringing us the future, hiding away the past. She laughs out loud as she carries to me Past that I have ever so resented. Past, that almost made Future cease to exist. I slowly close my eyes. Once again, Past opens herself to Present…

I was a young girl of twelve when I was involved in a road accident involving a drunk driver. My life was almost cruelly stripped away from me. The doctors did everything they could to save my life. Eventually, I fell into a coma. In coma, it was then I realized that Time was all I had to myself. I was a still body and my survival was in the hands of a breathing machine. But still, Time never left me, nor was she any comfort to me.

Time brought me to a whole new realm that had never existed before. It was a place where Past and Future dwelt. A place where everything was beyond your control and a place where things beyond your wildest dreams came true. It was home to Time. The place where she took control of everything. A world where anything could happen. I adored her world and stayed in that realm without a single care in me. I was free from Death for Time protected me.

I soon forgot about my life, my real life, family, school and my world. But in the world where Time kept me prison, I soon longed for love. Hungry and desperate for love. Love which Time never gave me.

I ached for my parents, who were always by my bed side, waiting for me to wake up. They never gave up for they had faith in me. Faith which I had never appreciated. And so, my hunger for their warmth and comfort encouraged me to return from the unreal world of Time.

I begged Time to release me from my cage-less prison and so she did but with threats that I would die without her. My heart started to swell as I saw my mother by my bed side, asleep. I could not call out to her for I was still stuck in another dimension, the fourth dimension of time. How I wished that a miracle could happen and I would rise from my deep slumber.

Time called to me softly, "It’s not too late if you want to come back with me”. I refused and she left me.

Then, I realized that I hadn’t lost all there is. I still had Love. And it was Love that kept me alive. Had not it been for Love, I would have died instantly. And so, Love gave me the physical strength to recover. I slowly regained consciousness without the help of any machine (which I subsequently found out to be have been 60 odd days after I slipped into coma). Miraculously, the recovery phase went on smoothly and I returned to the real world and continued my everyday life within one month there after.

But, even when I’m recovered, I will never forget one thing. Time is precious, yet it is unmerciful. Time took care of me yet, she lied to me. She lied to me that she was all that I had. I realized that I’ve learnt my lesson not to fool with time for she’ll fool with you too. And most of all, never take Time for granted for, she can do many things. Many great things indeed.

I open my eyes and I see my mother quietly sitting in the corner of our living room, knitting and my father busy and intently reading the newspapers. Past snatches that memory from me once again and stores it away. I hope Time won’t bring up Past anymore.

To Time if you are reading this, thanks for your hospitality, but I think I prefer the real world, my world.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Why, why do we have to do this, why?

This kind of destructions of our mother earth, I cannot understand.

I wish to do my part to rectify the damage.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Recycling - it's not a bad word

I have finally found a centre where I can send all the old stuff that have been collected over the months for recycling. I am all for reuse and recyling and what more if these are to raise funds for charity. I have been collecting a bag of household batteries, but not sure where to send to. Finally, I found, through the faithful world wide web, a place in Puchong.

CRC (Ren Ren) stands for Community Recycle for Charity. It is a registered non-profit, government-approved organization, founded in 2008 with the aim to serve communities by helping those who are in need regardless of race or religion. CRC is dedicated to create tools and services to make charitable giving part of our everyday lives. CRC exists to play a proactive role to serve the needy in our communities by means of environmental friendly practices of "RECYCLING".

Profile of CRC and their contact details are all available in their website.
And no, recycling is not a bad word at all. It basically means "to help nature in order to help ourselves". :) So, commit yourself to recycling and in the course of that, to help the poor and needy.

The founders of this recycling centre are indeed doing a really good job. May God bless them and their work.

Monday, 26 April 2010

There is reason to everything

There is reason to everything that happened in life. Yesterday, God gave me another life. I had drove by the road just a few minutes before a burst underground pipe blew up three cars and caused a mega size sink hole. Minutes just before that, I was chatting with friends before this nudging feeling to go off for my next chore. What else can I say.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010


I may not be a geologist or scientist but I think this (underlined below) sounds really _ _ _ _ _ _

On today's 2.6 mag earthquake that was felt at the Tasik Kenyir, the Malaysian Meteorological Department's Geophysics and Tsunami division director Dr Mohd Rosaidi Che Abas was quoted as saying, amongst others that "He added that since it was the first case since the 1980s, his department would work closely with the Mineral and Geosciences Department to find the actual cause of the quake."


Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Is this not awesome?

Scene captured in Penang

Keong ah keong

1: Ahhh, keong keong keong
2: Ha, keong keong keong

These are the familiar greetings heard over the past few days at the market, stores, roadsides, hawker stalls and virtually everywhere that you see the ah peks, ah mems, uncles and aunties.

Yes, it's that time of the year again when everyone will just "keong" each other, and some with an exchange of the red coloured packets. And yes, this is the typical chinese new year greetings that people exchange in Penang.

And with the very plain hokkien tones that people in this island speak, what you hear are flat-pitch-monotone sing-song of the yesteryears. May just send one to sleep easily.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa

While surfing the food-sphere in the many food related blogs, I came across this name which I thought was very appealing and which then got me jotting down the particulars and googling it for the location map.

After church Sunday, I got my family to check it out. It turned out to be an utter disappointment, overall. The place was easy to find, somewhere in Sunway Damansara, just next to the new Gizo Sunway mall. The outlet looks impressive from the outside. But the food, the typical one across the menu being nasi lemak, was so-so le. I tried the mee rebus and it turned out to be a bowl of completely soggy noodles with some funny looking and tasting gravy. The ingredients too were far from that of a typical mee rebus serving.

Overall, it was a disappointment. Conclusion - have to drop this out from my fud-list.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

The short-circuited sanity of an old man

The old man is close to 90 (or is he past 90?) and each time he speaks (unfortunately he still speaks!), people tremble and everyone just had to hold on to whatever (chairs, polls, or whatever) until he finishes his sentence. Why? It's the substance (or absence of it) and the sanity (or the absence of it) of the matter that he speaks about that throws people off (balance).

Yesterday, he suggested that 9/11 was staged by some parties as an excuse to mount attacks against the muslim (world). What a statement! What a conspiracy theory! But theory aside, where did that old man derive this idea to speak in this manner and so openly/daringly? (watching a 3-hour video he said, what????!!!) And that aside too, why does he bother to speak up on this subject now that he's just an ordinary citizen? And Avatar-9/11 - what????

What an embarassment to the nation and to the power-at-large that is not able to moderate his voices.

I wished that he could just keep quiet (forever). I am embarassed.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Ya Elohim

Lord, forgive me for this but I am very very clear on this one thing. And that is, Lord, you are the most important part of my life. You did what You had to do on the cross and that remained a fact. Your name remained glorified. Your existence in my life remained. You are a living God. Whether I am to now call you as Abba Father, My Lord, God, Elohim or whatever other names, instead of the banned word, nothing has and will change my focus on the cross in my daily life. This I am very clear.

I am also clear that though it is not important for me on how I call You, IT IS for my brothers and sisters in East Malaysia. For they have known you by that particular name for years. So Lord, help me to withstand all forms of persecution that may come about as a result of me standing up for the brethens that worship you in Bahasa.

You are sovereign, my Lord, in this land, across the nation, nations, the world over, in heavens and under the earth. Amen.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

People with no heads

I am utterly amused and lost for words too reading so often in the printed media that this VIP and that VIP, so and so VIP, expressed shock over this incident and that incident. And this VIP and that VIP advises people to do this and to do that or not to do this or not to do that. COME ON. Why do we need all these VIPs to think for us. As if we have no heads, no brains, no minds, no freewill, no senses. We don't need people to think for us when certain accidents or incidents have happened and needing corrective actions to be taken. We don't need people to highlight to us that it is dangerous to do this or that and to advise what needs to be done instead.

It is funny, it is utterly funny. It is also sounds so childish. Embarassing, period.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Onederful country

After the "mana cina ada" quarrels and ding-dongs, more cerita and wayang kulit were featured over the last few weeks of 2009 and first few days of the new year. Latest one - people are fighting over the use of certain word in a certain language. Never mind that the court has decided but the loud voices of people could drive events even further.

A marvellous country this is, full of endless ceritas and wayangs.

my familliiiieeeee

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